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Abstract Guidelines |
Abstract Guidelines (based on modified ICAAC guidelines) | |||
1. | The limit of submitted abstracts per congress participant is TWO (2) SUBMITTED ABSTRACTS PER PARTICIPANT. | ||
2. | Please define all abbreviations and concepts in your abstract at first use. Do not assume that all readers of your abstract and poster are experts on your field. | ||
3. | Please prepare your abstract and poster in English. If English is not your primary language, please try to have your work reviewed by a native English speaker. | ||
4. | All possible patent matters should be resolved by the author(s) before submission of an abstract. | ||
5. | Please provide a concise statement of your research. | ||
6. | The abstract should be structured in the following sections: | ||
Background: | Indicating the reason(s) for your investigation and your hypothesis. | |
Methods: | Indicating the experimental methods used (indicating numbers of microorganisms, healthy volunteers and/or patients) | |
Results: | The essential results observed in summary form. Sufficient quantitative data and statistical tests should be presented. Statements like "to be completed" are not acceptable. | |
Conclusion(s): | Conclusions should be numbered by Arabic numbers, if there is more than one essential conclusion based on your work. Conclusions should be supported by the findings within your results. | |
7. | Previously published material may be presented, if new aspects are introduced. | ||
8. | Please assure all the following points before submitting an abstract: | ||
All authors are aware that their name will appear on the abstract and poster and all authors agree to the submission and presentation of the results. | ||
I understand that if this abstract is accepted, WCDA will hold the copyright. | ||
I also understand that my poster (and/or slide presentation) may be photographed, videotaped and/or recorded via other media during presentation. | ||
I also understand that my complete poster and abstract will be presented under the WCDA homepage in electronic form. | ||
I understand that I and my co-author(s) must have clarified all possible patent and copyright issues before submission. All issues that may possibly be involved with my presentation must be covered. | ||
9. | Abstracts and posters should be sent via email to mail@ehrlich2004.org until the respective deadlines indicated below. | ||
10. | Please start your abstract submission with "Abstract submission for WCDA" in the subject section of your e-mail to mail@ehrlich2004.org | ||
11. | Please start your electronic poster submission with "Poster submission for WCDA" in the subject section of your e-mail to mail@ehrlich2004.org | ||
12. | August 05, 2004 is the deadline for abstracts competing for "Ehrlich's Magic Bullets" - Award. All abstracts submitted until August 05, 2004, will automatically compete for "Ehrlich's Magic Bullets" - Award. | ||
13. | August 20, 2004 is the deadline for notification of abstract authors about acceptance of their abstract (if you do not receive an answer for your abstract until August 22, 2004, please send an e-mail to mail@ehrlich2004.org ) | ||
14. | The abstract deadline has passed and we regrettably have to say that we cannot accept any "late-breaker-abstracts" unless it is really ground breaking work. | ||
Format of the abstract: | |||
1. | The abstract including title, author's names, affiliation(s), and abstract text must not contain more than 2200 characters, while spaces are not counted. | ||
2. | Arial font (10 Pt font size) is recommended for your complete abstract. | ||
3. | Please use single line spacing and justified style for paragraph. | ||
4. | Please use our abstract template for preparation of your abstract. | ||
5. | TITLE: Please use a concise title that indicates the content of your abstract. Capitalize the first letter of each title word except prepositions, articles and species' names. Italicize scientific names of organisms (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus). | ||
6. | For therapeutic agents, only generic names may be used (no trade names are permitted in the abstract title). | ||
7. | Authors' names should be written in ALL CAPITAL letters using full last name and initial(s). Presenting authors should be written in bold type. Please do not use full stops after the initial(s) of the authors' names. | ||
8. | Please provide the full postal and e-mail address of the presenting author on the second page of the abstract template. We will correspond exclusively with the corresponding author. Please assure to include a valid fax number and an e-mail address. | ||
9. | It is the obligation of the presenting author to provide all necessary information for all co-authors. | ||
10. | It is not allowed to actively promote commercial entities, products or services on a scientific poster submitted to our conference. | ||
11. | Please list any significant financial interest / relationship, with manufacturer(s) / provider(s) of any of the products/services that you plan to discuss including grants, research support, employee, consultant, stock holder, speaker's bureau, etc. | ||
12. | AFFILIATIONS: Please indicate the affiliation(s) of each author by Arabic number superscript after the last initial of each author. | ||
13. | Please include all institutions with city, two-letter state abbreviation (if applicable) and country. Do NOT enter department, division, zip code, etc. | ||
14. | ABSTRACT TEXT: Do not include title or authors within the abstract text. | ||
15. | Special characters may be included, if they are part of the standard letter and symbols of Microsoft WORD (Version Word 95 or later). | ||
16. | The character limit will be lowered, if you include tables and figures within your abstract. See description below for details. | ||
17. | Keywords: Please provide up to three non-overlapping keywords for your abstract. Keywords should be able to stand alone and define the topic and/or drugs of your abstract. | ||
TABLES: | |||
1. | The character limit will be lowered, if you include tables and figures within your abstract. See description below for details. | ||
2. | Please make sure to include valid units and an appropriate number of significant digits for each number within your table(s) (and text). | ||
3. | We recommend the use of the "Insert Table" function of the Microsoft Word software for generation of a table. If you import a table from Microsoft EXCEL or any equivalent software, please insert tables as "Ehanced Metafile". After copying your EXCEL table, you will find this option under the Edit menu, "Paste special". Then an option list should appear offering you insert "Enhanced Metafile" as one of the options. | ||
4. | The recommended table size is 5 columns by 8 rows. Maximum table width is 13 cm or 5.12 inches. Six (6) columns may be used as a maximum. | ||
5. | Each row of your table reduces the number of characters without spaces by 60 characters. Numbers and letters within the table are not counted within the lowered character limits. E.g. if you have a table with 8 rows, this makes a reduction of 8 x 60 = 480 characters. Thus your abstract (including title, names, affiliations, abstract text without table) may contain 2200 - 480 = 1720 characters without spaces. | ||
1. | The maximum graphic width is 13 cm or 5.12 inches. We recommend 300 DPI as resolution. For very detailed images a higher resolution may be applicable. | ||
2. | Your graphic should already be scaled so that it is optimized for the size it appears within your abstract. | ||
3. | A graphic reduces the maximum number of characters. Per centimeter height, the maximum number of characters is reduced by 150 characters (without spaces). I.e., if your graphic is 4 cm high (and up to 13 cm wide), the maximum number of characters is reduced by 4 x 150 = 600. Thus the maximum number of characters is 2200 - 600 = 1600. | ||
4. |
This is equivalent to a reduction of 380 characters per inch height. I.e., if your graphic is 2 inches high (and up to 5.12 inches wide), the maximum number of characters will be reduced by 760 resulting in a maximum number of characters of 2200 - 760 = 1440 characters. |